Saturday, March 18, 2017

One of the greatest things about the people you feel the closest with is that when they are with you, you know that they are not going to leave. You won't catch them looking around in the hopes of seeing something better than the situation you two are currently in. To them, you are not a pastime, you are not something to just hang around with until that truly great thing comes along, a fallback. You actually are a part of their world, a very important part, and if it would be missing, a part of them would be missing too. They hardly ever excuse themselves from your company, and if they do, not even once will you think about them not coming back. Because to them, you are the best moment, the party, the person who will sit with them in utter boredom if necessary, but even then the thought of them leaving will not even once cross your mind. Where else would they go?

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